Let’s be honest… Texas weather isn’t very considerate of our schedules or personal desires.
When you’re scheduling an outdoor portrait session, there is always the possibility that Mother Nature will not cooperate with your session. It is important to plan far in advance so you can receive your required images for upcoming senior year deadlines.
If you’re struggling with deciding which month works best for you, check out a detailed review of locations, foliage and outfit types below and how they will affect the look you want to achieve in your pictures.
Summer (June, July, August)
- Weather: Temperatures can range between the mid 80s to 100+ in Dallas.
- Pros:
- You’re getting it done before school gets busy.
- You’re still tan from summer if you desired a “sun-kissed” look!
- Your schedule is more flexible and allows extra time to plan.
- You’ll have your pictures for all of the deadlines that will be necessary for your senior year. (Click here for a list of deadlines to consider)
- You’ll have pictures ready to post on social media throughout the year. (Oh hey, #seniorsunday!)
- Cons:
- Texas heat (But nothing a little powder and extra hairspray can’t fix!).
- Summer schedules can be busy with vacations, camps, etc.
- Other:
- Most of your photos will be taken in shady areas, so it isn’t as hot as you might think.
- A personal fan helps cool you off and helps you avoid sweating. We take breaks in the car to provide you a chance to cool off.
- Between touchups in between outfits and a little help with editing, you’ll never be able to your pictures were taken on a hot day!
- Consider scheduling your session in the early morning (sunrise) for beautiful, soft, morning light and the coolest weather if the heat is going to bother you.
Fall (September, October, November)
- Weather: Temperatures can range from upper 90s to upper 70s
- Pros:
- The weather is finally starting to (slowly) cool down!
- You’ll have your pictures ready for all of the deadlines for your senior year. (Click here for a list of deadlines to consider)
- You’ll have pictures ready to post on social media throughout the year. (Oh hey, #seniorsunday!)
- Pictures can be used as gifts during the holiday season.
- Cons:
- It doesn’t really look like “fall” until November.
- Locations tend to be a little more crowded due to holiday photo sessions.
- Other:
- If you’re wanting the foliage to resemble “fall” weather, schedule your session for November.
Winter (December, January, February)
- Weather:
- December can see temperatures that are in the upper 70s and in the lower 40s. It varies year to year.
- Pros:
- It isn’t going to be hot!
- Cons:
- Foliage tends to be brown and dead.
- Other:
- If foliage doesn’t matter, this is a GREAT time to take pictures in urban locations!
- It has been in the 70s for the past three Christmases. December typically isn’t as cold as you would assume it to be.
Spring (March, April, May)
- Weather: Temperatures range from the mid 60s to lower 90s during these months.
- Pros:
- It probably isn’t going to be too hot!
- Senior year is almost over and it is a great way to “wrap up” your senior year.
- Spring clothes are bright and happy!
- Cons:
- Weather is unpredictable in March. The most rescheduled sessions tend to happen in March due to weather.
- If you’re planning on going through sorority recruitment, your images are due on April 1 (click here for more details regarding the April 1 deadline).
- March and April tend to be my busiest months, so if weather doesn’t cooperate, makeup days are limited.
- Other:
- Most parks, fields and other natural areas don’t turn green until late March/early April. If you want a lot of green trees and flowers, mid to late April is the best time to have your session.
- March tends to have a lot of rainy days while April tends to be windy. If you’re working with a deadline (April 1), I recommend scheduling your session for early February/March just incase the weather doesn’t cooperate. Remember, the April 1st deadline can’t be rescheduled!
Other Things to consider:
- Does the foliage matter? If it doesn’t, consider scheduling your session during a month that isn’t very busy. Make sure you understand what the foliage looks like in your city during that time of year (Ask your photographer! They’ll be happy to assist!). For example, October in Dallas doesn’t always have trees that change with the seasons and foliage hasn’t necessarily bloomed yet in March.
- Which months are busiest for your extracurricular activities?
- Do you have any deadlines you’re working with? (Ex: Yearbook, program, slideshow, sorority recruitment, ect.)
- Click here for more things to consider when scheduling your senior session.